Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Search of Identity in Society

Identity can be generally defined as the personal characteristics and traits which differentiate each individual from the other, however in â€Å"The myth of the Latin woman: I just met a girl named Maria† by Cofer, Judith Ortiz and â€Å"The joy of reading and writing: superman and me† by Alexei Sherman, both authors demonstrate the theme identity in a different manner. Judith Cofer portrays how the society often stereotype individuals into groups without a doubt, in this particular essay, the offensive stereotype of Latino women without any particular reason but merely due to their identity.Alexei Sherman in â€Å"The joy of reading and writing: superman and me† also describes how society can have an impact on one’s identity; however Alexei was determined to build himself and challenge the society despite of its expectations. Similarities in this particular comparison overcome the differences; the similarities which are clearly seen between these two sho rt stories are how the society belittles people and stereotype them simply due to their identity. Another common theme between both stories is multiculturalism and how it’s faced.The difference however is how each author dealt with this stereotyping and how they defined their own identity despite of how people interrupted it for them. Expectations can alter the way a person feels about living their life the way they desire. Society determines and expects a role that every individual must perform according to who they are such as: age, gender, race, ethnic etc. In the essay the â€Å"The joy of reading and writing: superman and me†, the author talks about his life as an Indian boy and how writing and reading shaped his life to what it is today.Sherman talks about how as an Indian boy living in a reservation in the United States, Indians were expected to fail and be uneducated; but because he was â€Å"smart, arrogant and lucky† he broke the mold and became a crea tive writer. In Cofer’s case there were no mold’s to be broken but merely society’s perception about Latinas. She collects all the misconceptions of Latin women, comparing them with her personal experiences Our perception of anything can change and the way we view our selves can sometimes be altered by the events that happen in our life, our self-image and self-esteem can be also altered by these events too.Cofer, in her autobiographical short story describes how she feels like an object of sexual desire and a person of lower class because of her Puerto Rican ethnicity. She starts the essay by reliving an incident which happened to her with a drunken man who re-enacted â€Å"Maria† from West Side Story even though she was aggravated, she tried to keep her cool when everyone around her was laughing and applauding. The author shows how the society degrades her because she is simply Latina regardless of the fact that is she an educated women seeking knowledg e from Oxford university.Later she states, â€Å"I do not wear my diplomas around my neck†- By this Cofer implies that there are many other women exactly like her, Latin women who do have the advantage of an education, however other individuals within societies racial misconceptions lead them to believe that every Latin woman is either a â€Å"housemaid† or a â€Å"counter girl†- which is obviously not the case. Cofer continues to subjectively analyses and defends the negative stereotypes that Latin women encounter.Since something can be natural in a determined culture and offensive in another, it is easy to find a variety of behaves that are misunderstood. This misunderstood is what promotes the existence of prejudice. She collects all the misconceptions of Latin women, comparing them with her personal experiences. Eventually the author tries to deliver a message, a â€Å"universal truth†, is to try to replace the old pervasive stereotypes, individuals s hould not be judged entirely due to their place of origin, â€Å"skin color, accent or cloths† but should be seen for who they truly are.Cofer emphasizes that â€Å"we cannot change this (the myth of Latina as whore, domestic or criminal) by legislating the way people look at us the transformation, as I see it, has to occur at a much more individual level†. Again this is something which is also seen in Sherman’s essay and it’s evident from his writing. Sherman says he saw the world in paragraphs, this is a metaphoric term he created.   

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Karl Marx

Karl Heinrich Marx â€Å"If I had 26 letters of the alphabet I could rule the world.? †Those are the words of one of the greatest philosophers. Karl Heinrich Mark, â€Å"The Founder, or the Father of Modern communism and Marxism† was born May 1818-July 1883. Karl was born into a wealthy family. (1) He was one of the most infamous philosophers and tacticians in the socioeconomic structure of our times. He was however infamous to many people because of his political, economic and social views. Mr. Marx was also very influential to many significant people and countries worldwide. (2) Even today people use and elaborate on his quotes.His views continue to be debated and applied in today’s society. Karl Marx is dubbed the â€Å"father of Communism†, and wrote his Communist Manifesto in 1848, with Friedrich Engel's. (3) Economically, he opined that capitalism is very unfair and dehumanizing, in that the laborers or the masses were meant to work for a few rich pe ople who profit by paying very low wages. (2) He however noted the defining features of capitalism as alienation, exploitation and reoccurring, cyclical  depressions  leading to mass unemployment;(1) on the other hand capitalism is also characterized by â€Å"revolutionizing, industrializing urbanization. 3)  Marx considered the capitalist class to be one of the most revolutionary in history, because it constantly improved the means of production, more so than any other class in history, and was responsible for the overthrow of  feudalism  and its transition to capitalism. (4-5)   Capitalism can stimulate considerable growth because the capitalist can, and has an incentive to; reinvest profits in new technologies and  capital equipment. Karl Marx believed that throughout history, since the feudal ages, proletariats (working class) have been abused by higher classes, especially bourgeoisie (middle class).In Communism, proletariats are in power, and the sharing of the w ealth and business would be run by the worker’s themselves. . Today labor unions adopt the principle of deciding their own wages and seeking good working condition and can go on strike if their demands are not met. There is collective bargaining by workers Socially Karl Marx’  theories  on these changes happening around him are based around the idea of different stages that society goes through. He believes there are five stages in society and these are: tribal communism, slavery, feudalism, capitalism and finally ommunism. Most western societies have already gone through the first three stages and at the time of Marx were going through the fourth stages, as most still are. (2)Marx talks a lot about production, he theorizes that the part you play in the method of production affects the role you have in society as a whole. Each stage in society has a different production system in place. So in a capitalist society somebody who owns the means of production, the bourg eoisie, is the top of the social rank as they hold the power.The rest of society, the proletariats rely in the bourgeoisie to provide them with job so they have the  money  to survive. There will always be groups who have the power the oppressor, while the rest are the oppressed; those without any power who have to rely on others to provide them with money  so they are able to live. These two groups do not share the same interests. Marx saw this as class conflict, he believed that with time the conflict between the two would grow so great that the oppressed would rise up against the oppressor and society would move on to  the next  stage.In his opinion  the next  stage would be communism, his idea of the perfect society. The world is pretty much how Marx described it 150 years ago, which is quite impressive in itself,† Tormey said. â€Å"This is to say that we now have a more or less integrated world capitalist system, with a global rich and global poor — as Marx predicted. There is huge exploitation across all societies — the proliferation of sweatshops and export processing zones are all very much in keeping with Marx’s account. The peasantry is being systematically wiped out in a global process of dispossession, and of course social democracy, which started as a form of ultra moderate ‘Marxism,' Marxism-lite if you like, is in retreat in all areas where it once enjoyed hegemony,† he added. Politically The Soviets, Chinese, and other Communist states were at most based along. Marxist beliefs ch Communist leaders as Vladimir Ilyich  Lenin, Joseph  Stalin, and  Mao Zedong even Hitler  loyally claimed Marxist orthodoxy for their pronouncements which produced an egalitarian political society. 3) This led to evolution of varied forms of welfare capitalism, the improved condition of workers in industrial societies, and the recent demise of the Communist bloc in Eastern Europe and Central Asia have tende d to discredit Marx's dire and deterministic economic predictions. (4) In the Third World, a legacy of colonialism and anti-imperialist struggle has given Marxism popular support. In Africa, Marxism has had notable impact in such nations as Ethiopia, Benin, Angola, Kenya, and Senegal. In less stable societies Marxism's combination of materialist analysis with a militant sense of justice remains a powerful attraction. Karl Marx The first article speaking about it the power of the communist manifesto and the power it has in Europe. Usually all of the political parties in opposition of the current government go to the ideology of the communist manifesto adapting it in several languages in the Europe from English, French, German, Italian, and Danish languages. From the Karl Marx perspective it focuses on the struggles of the classes the rich and poor. The only way, how this level could ever be resolved is through a revolution or contending of the classes. In the days of history, we noticed that the arrangements of society in placed into various orders, and by social ranks. This was done in the Middle Ages with great empires. The modern bourgeois society has established new classes, new conditions of oppression, and new forms of struggle in place of old ones. In the views of Karl Marx it places two great classes; the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat. The colonialization of the Americas and the controlling of the Chinese and Indian Markets allowed for the Bourgeoisie to continue to rise using the raw materials and resources of the new lands. In the area of industrialization is when the two classes became more apart than anything else when the bourgeoisie would do nothing while the proletariat did most of the work and were working in poor conditions including child labor. As it turns out to be the bourgeoisie became richer and had the advantages of political advances of that class. As the argument states that either republic or monarchy governance support the interest of the in the bourgeoisie. The current state is only a committee for the managing of the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie. It has said that the bourgeoisie has destroyed the family relations because the individual is focused on self-interest only calling it a cash payment. It has destroyed the main purposes of society in which are religious activities, chivalrous enthusiasm, and sentimentalism and given the icy water of egotistical approach. It has given the meaning of anything personal as an exchange of value in the place of costless freedoms. An enable of this is the world Free Trade, in one word means exploitation veiled by religious and political illusions, it is substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation. According to the view of Karl Marx, the bourgeoisie has basically stripped the occupations of the honored physician, lawyer, priest, or poet into paid wage laborers. It has turn away from the family it sentimental veil and reduce the family into a money relation. The bourgeoisie cannot exist without the changing the instruments of production and the relations of production and with them the relations of society. The need for the constant expanding of the markets and its products get the bourgeoisie to the surface of the world, not caring where to settle. The bourgeoisie though its exploitation of the world market given the character to production consumption in every country. The old fashion states controlled national industries have been destroyed or are daily being destroyed. The introduction of the new industries becomes a life and death question for all civilized nations; those do not work up indigenous raw material around in the globe. The bourgeoisie by the rapid movement of its instruments of production allowed for the expansion of communication creating the civilizations in these nations. The cheap prices of commodities are what allow other countries to adapt to the way of the bourgeoisie. This class has subjected the country to the rule of towns and small people. It created enormous cities that increased the urban population as compared with the rural, and only rescued a considerable part of the population from the rural life. Just as it has made the country dependent on the towns, so it has countries dependent on the civilized ones, nations of peasants on nations of bourgeois, including the East and West. According to the view, this is a necessary consequence of this because of political centralization. Independent and loosely tied connected provinces, with separate interests, laws, governments, and systems of taxation, became into one nation with one government, one code of laws, one national class interest, and on customs-tariff. The proportion the bourgeoisie provide including capital is developed to the same proportion of the proletariat, the modern working class, developed a class of labor who live only as they find work and do so by long as their labor increases capital. The labors, who sell themselves piecemeal are a commodity like other articles of commerce and are exposed the product into competition for the markets. Owing the extensive use of the machinery, division of labor, the work of the proletarians has lost all individual character, and the charm of the workman. The cost of the production of a workman is restricted to the means of subsistence that he requires maintenance and for the propagation of his race. The price of a commodity and labor is equal to the cost of the production. In proportion, as the repulsiveness of the work increases, the wage decreases and the use of machinery and division of labor increases the burden of toil also increases and the prolongation of the working hours, by the increase of the work exacted in a given time or by increased speed of machinery. The less the skill and exertion of strength by the manual labor, in other words, the more modern industry becomes developed, the labor of men superseded by that of women. Differences of age and sex have no longer and distinctive social validity for the working class. The instruments of labor, less or more expensive to use, are according to their age and sex. Karl Marx Karl Marx was born in Trier, in the German Rhineland, in 1818. Although his family was Jewish they converted to Christianity so that his father could pursue his career as a lawyer in the face of Prussia's anti-Jewish laws. A precocious schoolchild, Marx studied law in Bonn and Berlin, and then wrote a PhD thesis in Philosophy, comparing the views of Democritus and Epicurus.On completion of his doctorate in 1841 Marx hoped for an academic job, but he had already fallen in with too radical a group of thinkers and there was no real hope. Turning to journalism Marx rapidly became involved in political and social issues, and soon found himself having to consider communist theory. Of his many early writings, four, in particular stand out.‘Contribution to a Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, Introduction’, and ‘On The Jewish Question’, were both written in 1843 and published in the Deutsch-Franzà ¶sische Jahrbà ¼cher. The Economic and Philosophical Manuscri pts, written in Paris 1844, and the ‘Theses on Feuerbach’ of 1845 remained unpublished in Marx's lifetime.Karl Marx (1818-1883) is best known not as a philosopher but as a revolutionary communist, whose works inspired the foundation of many communist regimes in the twentieth century. It is hard to think of many who have had as much influence in the creation of the modern world. Trained as a philosopher, Marx turned away from philosophy in his mid-twenties, towards economics and politics.However, in addition to his overtly philosophical early work, his later writings have many points of contact with contemporary philosophical debates, especially in the philosophy of history and the social sciences, and in moral and political philosophy. Historical materialism — Marx's theory of history — is centered around the idea that forms of society rise and fall as they further and then impede the development of human productive power. Marx sees the historical process as proceeding through a necessary series of modes of production, culminating in communism.Marx's economic analysis of capitalism is based on his version of the labour theory of value, and includes the analysis of capitalist profit as the extraction of surplus value from the exploited proletariat. The analysis of history and economics come together in Marx's prediction of the inevitable breakdown of capitalism for economic reasons, to be replaced by communism. However Marx refused to speculate in detail about the nature of communism, arguing that it would arise through historical processes, and was not the realisation of a pre-determined moral ideal.In this text Marx begins to make clear the distance between him and that of his radical liberal colleagues among the Young Hegelians; in particular Bruno Bauer. Bauer had recently written against Jewish emancipation, from an atheist perspective, arguing that the religion of both Jews and Christians was a barrier to emancipation. In respon ding to Bauer Marx makes one of the most enduring arguments from his early writings, by means of introducing a distinction between political emancipation — essentially the grant of liberal rights and liberties — and human emancipation.Marx's reply to Bauer is that political emancipation is perfectly compatible with the continued existence of religion, as the example of the United States demonstrates then. However, pushing matters deeper, in an argument reinvented by innumerable critics of liberalism, Marx argues that not only is political emancipation insufficient to bring about human emancipation, it is in some sense also a barrier. Liberal rights and ideas of justice are premised on the idea that each of us needs protection from other human beings. Therefore liberal rights are designed to protect usfrom such perceived threats. Freedom on such a view, is freedom from interference. What this view overlooks is the possibility — for Marx, the fact — that re al freedom is to be found positively in our relations with other people. It is to be found in human community, not in isolation. So insisting on a regime of rights encourages us to view each other in ways which undermine the possibility of the real freedom we may find in human emancipation.Now we should be clear that Marx does not oppose political emancipation, for he clearly sees that liberalism is a great improvement on the systems of prejudice and discrimination which existed in the Germany of his day. Nevertheless such politically emancipated liberalism must be transcended on the route to genuine human emancipation. Unfortunately Marx never tells us what human emancipation is, although it is clear that it is closely related to the idea of non-alienated labour which we will explore belowThis work is home to the Marx's notorious remark that religion is the ‘opiate of the people’, and it is here that Marx sets out his account of religion in most detail. Just as importa ntly Marx here also considers the question of how revolution might be achieved in Germany, and sets out the role of the proletariat in bringing about the emancipation of society as a whole.With regard to religion, Marx fully accepted Feuerbach's claim in opposition to traditional theology that human beings had created God in their own image; indeed a view that long pre-dated Feuerbach. Feuerbach's distinctive contribution was to argue that worshipping God diverted human beings from enjoying their own human powers. While accepting much of Feuerbach's account Marx's criticizes Feuerbach on the grounds that he has failed to understand why people fall into religious alienation and so is unable to explain how it can be transcended. Marx's explanation, of course, is that religion is a response to alienation in material life, and cannot be removed until human material life is emancipated, at which point religion will wither away.Precisely what it is about material life that creates religio n is not set out with complete clarity. However it seems that at least two aspects of alienation are responsible. One is alienated labour, which will be explored shortly. A second is the need for human beings to assert their communal essence. Whether or not we explicitly recognize it, human beings exist as a community, and what makes human life possible is our mutual dependence on the vast network of social and economic relations which engulf us all, even though this is rarely acknowledged in our day-to-day life. Marx's view appears to be that we must, somehow or other, acknowledge our communal existence in our institutions.At first it is ‘deviously acknowledged’ by religion, which creates a false idea of a community in which we are all equal in the eyes of God. After the post-Reformation fragmentation of religion, where religion is no longer able to play the role even of a fake community of equals, the state fills this need by offering us the illusion of a community of citizens, all equal in the eyes of the law. But the state and religion will both be transcended when a genuine community of social and economic equals is created.Of course we are owed an answer to how such a society could be created. It is interesting to read Marx here in the light of his third Thesis on Feuerbach where he indicates how it will not happen. The crude materialism of Robert Owen and others assumes that you can change people by changing their circumstances. However, how are those circumstances to be changed?By an enlightened philanthropist like Owen who can miraculously break through the chain of determination which ties down everyone else? Marx's response, in both the Theses and the Critique, is that the proletariat can break free only by their own self-transforming action. Indeed if they do not create the revolution for themselves — guided, of course, by the philosopher — they will not be fit to receive it.The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts cove r a wide range of topics including much interesting material on private property and communism, and on money, as well as developing Marx's critique of Hegel. However, they are best known for their account of alienated labour. Here Marx famously depicts the worker under capitalism as suffering from four types of alienated labour. First, from the product, which as soon as it is created is taken away from its producer. Second, in productive activity (work) which is experienced as a torment. Third, from species-being, for humans produce blindly and not in accordance with their truly human powers.Finally from other human beings, where the relation of exchange replaces mutual need. That these categories overlap in some respects is not a surprise given Marx's remarkable methodological ambition in these writings. Essentially he attempts to apply a Hegelian deduction of categories to economics, trying to demonstrate that all the categories of bourgeois economics — wages, rent, exchang e, profit etc- are ultimately derived from an analysis of the concept of alienation. Consequently each category of alienated labour is supposed to be deducible from the previous one.However, Marx gets no further than deducing categories of alienated labour from each other. Quite possibly in the course of writing he came to understand that a different methodology is required for approaching economic issues. Nevertheless we are left with a very rich text on the nature of alienated labour. The idea of non-alienation has to be inferred from the negative, with the assistance of one short passage at the end of the text ‘On James Mill’ in which non-alienated labour is briefly described in terms which emphasise both the immediate producer's enjoyment of production as a confirmation of his or her powers, and also the idea that production is to meet the needs of others, thus confirming for both parties our human essence as mutual dependence. Both sides of our species essence are revealed here: our individual human powers and our membership in the human community.It is important to understand that for Marx alienation is not merely a matter of subjective feeling, or confusion. The bridge between Marx's early analysis of alienation and his later social theory is the idea that the alienated individual is ‘a plaything of alien forces’, albeit alien forces which are themselves a product of human action. In our daily lives we take decisions that have unintended consequences, which then combine to create large-scale social forces which may have an utterly unpredicted effect.In Marx's view the institutions of capitalism — themselves the consequences of human behaviour — come back to structure our future behaviour, determining the possibilities of our action. For example, for as long as a capitalist intends to stay in business he must exploit his workers to the legal limit. Whether wracked by guilt or not the capitalist must act as a ruthle ss exploiter. Similarly the worker must take the best job on offer; there is simply no other sane option. But by doing this we reinforce the very structures that oppress us. The urge to transcend this condition, and to take collective control of our destiny — whatever that would mean in practice — is one of the motivating and sustaining elements of Marx's attraction to communism.The Theses on Feuerbach contain one of Marx's most memorable remarks ‘the philosophers have only interpreted the world, the point is to change it’ (thesis 11). However the eleven theses as a whole provide, in the compass of a couple of pages, a remarkable digest of Marx's reaction to the philosophy of his day. Several of these have been touched on already (for example the discussions of religion in theses 4, 6 and 7, and revolution in thesis 3) so here I will concentrate only on the first, most overtly philosophy, thesis.In the first thesis Marx states his objections to ‘all hitherto existing’ materialism and idealism. Materialism is complimented for understanding the physical reality of the world, but is criticised for ignoring the active role of the human subject in creating the world we perceive. Idealism, at least as developed by Hegel, understands the active nature of the human subject, but confines it to thought or contemplation: the world is created through the categories we impose upon it.Marx combines the insights of both traditions to propose a view in which human beings do indeed create — or at least transform — the world they find themselves in, but this transformation happens not in thought but through actual material activity; not through the imposition of sublime concepts but through the sweat of their brow, with picks and shovels. This historical version of materialism, which transcends and thus rejects all existing philosophical thought, is the foundation of Marx's later theory of history. As Marx puts it in the 184 4 Manuscripts, ‘Industry is the real historical relationship of nature †¦ to man’. This thought, derived from reflection on the history of philosophy, sets the agenda for all Marx's future workCapitalism is distinctive, Marx argues, in that it involves not merely the exchange of commodities, but the advancement of capital, in the form of money, with the purpose of generating profit through the purchase of commodities and their transformation into other commodities which can command a higher price, and thus yield a profit. Marx claims that no previous theorist has been able adequately to explain how capitalism as a whole can make a profit. Marx's own solution relies on the idea of exploitation of the worker. In setting up conditions of production the capitalist purchases the worker's labour power — his ability to labour — for the day.The cost of this commodity is determined in the same way as the cost of every other; i.e. in terms of the amount of soci ally necessary labour power required to produce it. In this case the value of a day's labour power is the value of the commodities necessary to keep the worker alive for a day. Suppose that such commodities take four hours to produce. Thus the first four hours of the working day is spent on producing equivalent to the value of the wages the worker will be paid. This is known as necessary labour. Any work the worker does above this is known as surplus labour, producing surplus value for the capitalist.Surplus value, according to Marx, is the source of all profit. In Marx's analysis labour power is the only commodity which can produce more value than it is worth, and for this reason it is known as variable capital. Other commodities simply pass their value on to the finished commodities, but do not create any extra value. They are known as constant capital. Profit, then, is the result of the labour performed by the worker beyond that necessary to create the value of his or her wages. This is the surplus value theory of profit.ReferenceKarl Marx, `On the Jewish Question`: alienated labor, private property, and communism

Monday, July 29, 2019

Operation Anaconda 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Operation Anaconda 2 - Essay Example ce inputs received from various agencies it was figured out that Afghanistan and the Taliban government is proving to be a big support for such elements. And the rest is history. When the war started off, it was perceived that once the Taliban government is over and the terrorists are flushed out of their safe heavens, the allied forces will hand over reins of power to the local government and make an early exit from the country. But the irony is, even after six years, no respectable exit route appears in sight and the allied forces appear to have stuck up in a catch-22 situation. The operation anaconda began well after a series of spirited air strikes on the pointed targets in and around Kabul and Kandahar. These airstrikes were to make the ground situation less troublesome for the allied, so that the mission of the forces could be accomplished in minimum possible time. Now, when after six years, the US has a new president, who has been critical of the erstwhile policies of his predecessor on many fronts, the situation doesn’t appear to be any different. Afghanistan is in the midst of the presidential elections and if media reports are an indication, notwithstanding the allegations of widespread fraud cases, the incumbent president is expected to be back as well. But, there’s still no ray of hope for the US forces. This certainly raises question marks on the efficacy of intelligence organizations like CIA and SOF in correctly analyzing the inputs. Today when the forces appear desperate to the leave the battlefield, the war seems to have become unwinnable amidst the dwindling support for these efforts amongst the citizens. It is quite apparent that the intelligence inputs proved inadequate on many counts. Just before the start of the operation anaconda, the Taliban militia was getting support from Pakistani military and their intelligence establishment. After the Pakistan government was coerced to support the allied forces efforts in digging out the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry Research Paper

A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry - Research Paper Example d respectable man in the society through starting a business, thus he combines forces with his friends as joint venture partners to start on liquor store (Hansberry, 500). Walter, in his dreams has come to believe that no man can gain dignity, pride and respect out of being employed by others. Therefore, he wants to work his way out through ensuring that he stands for himself and creates his own wealth, so that he may gain respect amongst the people in the society (Loos, 39). Therefore, his dream almost saved his life, because it at least did show him that all he needed to do was to work for himself by starting a business, which was the platform through which he could amass wealth, and thus gain self respect, pride and dignity (Morrin, 51). In this respect, if he had succeeded in this business, then the dream would have become a major factor that would have saved his life and that of his family. It is this dream that makes him feel dissatisfied with his life as a chauffeur for a white man, which he feels is a job that has less opportunity for advancement, but more demeaning and embarrassing, since out of this job, he can barely provide for his family (Hansberry, 546). This feeling of dissatisfaction makes him nasty and rude to everyone, but his family is the most affected, because he quarrels with almost everybody, whether his sister, wife or mother. However, his dream of becoming wealthy through business does not come to pass, and Walter becomes even more frustrated, with nothing to show off to his family or to the society. He trusted his friend Harris against the warning of everybody, and he insisted on starting a liquor store when everyone in his family was against it (Loos, 47). This is the point at which his dream now destroys his life, after Harris runs away with the money, and the dream forces him to sink even lower than he was in his life, willing to bow down to Mr. Lindner, the white man from whom he had earlier refused to receive money as payment for

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Debate Against (( Human resources manager are the guardians of ethics Essay

Debate Against (( Human resources manager are the guardians of ethics in business)) - Essay Example In short deontology theory of ethics never asks HRM managers to work for the protection of ethics in business. â€Å"For deontologists, the Right has priority over the Good. If an act is not in accord with the Right, it may not be undertaken, no matter the Good that it might produce† (Alexander, 2007). The above principle cannot by applied in an organizational set up always. In business, maximization of profit through efficient functioning of the organization is the major objective. It is impossible to analyze all the actions through the microscopes of morality in business. For example, there are certain instances in which the HRM managers forced to promote a junior employee over a senior employee because of the superior abilities of the junior employee compared to that of the senior employee. According to the deontological principles, only the senior employee could be promoted even if he might be useless. In that manner an organization cannot work.†Deontologists do not look at how much good might be caused by an action. They look at the action itself, deciding whether it is pro hibited or made obligatory by one of their rules† (Ethical Theory – Deontology, n. d). In other words, the arguments of deontologists are not applicable to the HRM managers. â€Å"Ethical egoism relies on the assumption that following one’s own self-interest will generally provide a maximum of benefit† (Koster, 2007, p.8). â€Å"It is the prescriptive doctrine that all persons ought to act from their own self-interest† (Philosophy 302: Ethics Ethical Egoism, 2009). In an organizational set up, the above principle cannot be applied. In an organization, the HRM manager should work for the interests of the organization rather than their self-interests. The interests of the employees and the interests of the organization may not go in the same direction. The organization always

BUSN300 Unit 5 IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

BUSN300 Unit 5 IP - Research Paper Example It has factories that spread over six continents  dealing  with the production of automobiles Toyota Business Environment Every organization, regardless of the business they are doing, is exposed to a lot of factors that has an effect on the performance of a company and also the strategies and decision making of an organization. It is therefore important for companies to be informed about these factors since they can have an influence on the plans and strategies of a company Challenges faced by Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation being an international company faces a lot of legal and business challenges that have affected the strategies, plans and decisions of the organization and also the entire automobile industry. Some of the challenges include: The products of Toyota company are found everywhere in the world and the company supplies its automobiles to various countries globally. Competition is none of the greatest challenge the company has to deal with since th e company is operating in a competitive environment. Factors like the features and quality of the product, research and development time, safety, reliability, pricing, customer service, pricing terms and fuel economy. The company has been offering world class products which have made it to be a leader in the market and its products are facing steep competition. Nevertheless, the company has been leading on the market which led to the company being awarded as the number one company in sales of automobiles. The company was affected by the economic crisis that was experienced in 2008 in the US. Since the company is the leading manufacturer of the automobile, its turnover of over $17 billion was shaken due to this economic downturn. This was attributed to the fall of consumer spending that affected many households. The company was able to survive the economic turmoil since it had other services like biotechnology and other financial services. Furthermore, the company had to let off some temporary workers and also had to reduce car production of automobiles Toyota Company had to recall over 14 million Lexus and CamrySolara models of vehicles which had an acceleration problem. This problem was traced to the vehicle accelerating itself while driving at a low speed. This has increased the number of accidents that have been experienced all over the world. The company was forced to respond to questions that were asked by the customers about the quality of the products. Despite the challenges faced by the company, the management of the company has focused their attention on solving problems and service delivery to the customers. The company had to use the SWOT analysis so as to understand the business Strengths The company has a global production plant in six continents. The company has the capacity to produce the best services as compared to other competitors. The greatest strength of the company is the manufacturing of quality products to the customers. Though some peo ple  are  not be in a position to buy the automobiles of the company, the company still has a growth in its sale due to the production of quality and reliable products. This allows the company to serve both private and commercial organizations therefore dominating in all sectors f the market Weaknesses The company is only focusing on big economies and forgets emerging economies. Opportunities Presence of new technology has facilitated the company in producing Eco-friendly automobiles. The

Friday, July 26, 2019

How does the concept of the imperialism of free trade explain the rise Essay

How does the concept of the imperialism of free trade explain the rise and fall of the British Empire - Essay Example Though it took some time for other nations to understand this concept, but it is now a known phenomenon and is admired and adopted throughout the world. Free trade is a type of trade between countries, where trade is done without any restrictions of governments from both sides. Different countries prefer free trade; the reason is that it provides benefit to people. The countries involved in free trade are usually on the friendly terms and in a way it shows their trust upon each other. Not only goods but also services are provided without taxes and other obstacles that could be faced otherwise. The main beneficiaries of free trade are the common people of those countries that get full advantage of low priced goods. A country, after getting privilege of free trade, can gain access to the market of the other country easily and they can invest their capital without any concern of the future policies of that country. Free trade is not a new phenomenon in the economies of the countries. It is been practiced for centuries in different forms. It is considered to be a vital factor of any country's flourishing economy and successful economic policies. This concept was given by the famous economist David Ricardo. Though the country with large and strong economy got a big share of profit than the other one, but still this phenomenon is popular in today's world. British Empire could be regarded as one... The key to their success in this whole time was their strong economy. Their stable and strong economy leads them everywhere in the world and once they set their foot in the particular country, no one can stop them from achieving their imperialistic aims. Their influence was obvious in every field of that country, people follow their way of living and adopt their styles, and they finally took over that country or the region. The famous quote about them was that "The sun never sets on British Empire". The British Empire started arising in seventeen century, when they reconcile with their rival Spain in 1604. America is referred as their first colony and the list of colonies goes on, which includes a large part of land in almost every continent of the world. And they started this all with trade, either its Tobacco, Rice, Fur, Cotton, Raw Material or even slaves. Asia was considered to be Portugal's territory, but in the late 16th century, British and Dutch found their way in Asia as well, which at that time considered being a wealthy piece of land, especially India. East India Company was set in early 1600's and it provided British people to set their foot at in the rich and mysterious land of India, at that time was ruled by Mughals. The famous export of India was spices and textile. British lost their colonies in American Continent during 1760's to 1770's, and it was a great loss for the Empire. But they still got the Asia, a gold mine in their hands. Asia, particularly India, was considered to be the most profitable colony of British Empire and they earned a lot from this part of the land. At this time, Adam Smith gave the concept of Free Trade. According to him, it is not necessary to have a military or a political rule over a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

E-law questions part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

E-law questions part 1 - Essay Example Moreover, US lawyers use technology in litigation, e-discovery, and e filing in courtrooms (American Bar Association 2012). They also use various hardware and software that include videoconferencing technology to take depositions and testimonies and to deliver professional legal education. On the other hand, videoconferencing technology applies in Australian courts in taking depositions and testimonies from witnesses and is accessible to lawyers in the urban areas. Indeed, there is little evidence of technology use by Australian lawyers in the rural and remote areas. Despite its significant benefits, IT and specifically videoconferencing technology is not popular with Australian lawyers (Kennedy &Winn, n.y). Internationalization has a positive impact on tax revenue charged by governments on businesses. Indeed, an increase in the internationalization indicator leads to a subsequent increase in tax revenue. Additionally, internationalization undermines the government’s potential to tax business income hence leading to more business profits. Moreover, it increases a business urge to relocate abroad and enhances the need for a better location with regard to infrastructure that promotes business activities. Indeed, it has adverse effects where a business finally relocates to another country. Globalization has divergent impact on business. It promotes the movement of goods across borders thus enhancing international trade. It leads to integrated customer service and the emergence of global business brand. It enables businesspersons to purchase products from convenient markets, selling of products in markets with higher profits, and outsourcing of raw materials. Additionally, globalization leads to high profit margins for companies that are able to source cheap raw materials and labor force from other countries. This equally leads to low earning potential for employees. Globalization also affects business management where companies can hire managers

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Nurse' Responsability in the Prevention of Medical Errors Essay

The Nurse' Responsability in the Prevention of Medical Errors - Essay Example In its report titled To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System (2000), the Institute of Medicine (IOM) noted that between 44,000 and 98,000 Americans die annually in U.S. hospitals owing to preventable medical errors. A medical error infers an adverse event that can be avoided given the current state of medical knowledge. IOM working definition of medical error details the failure of a planned action to be concluded as proposed or the application of a wrong plan to attain the aim. Errors in this sense incorporate problems in practice, products, procedures, and systems. There is no single unanimously acknowledged method of classifying medical errors. However, there are five distinct categorizations of medical errors. These include forms of healthcare given such as medication, surgery, and diagnostic imaging; severity of the injury encompassing minor discomfort, death, and serious injury. Other categorizations include legal definitions of issues such as negligence and malpractice ; the setting encompassing hospital, emergency room, nursing home, and intensive care unit, and persons involved such as a physician, nurse, pharmacist, and patient. Medical errors impede therapeutic outcomes and can cause severe illness or death. In addition, medical errors may lead to litigation against healthcare providers. Causes of Medical Errors The core causes of medical errors are multifaceted, and no single factor can be demarcated to be the principal origin of medical errors. However, medical errors mainly flow from factors like communication errors; for example, misinterpretation of the doctor’s prescription may lead to instances of medication mix-up, where the administered drugs detail closely similar names. In addition, medical errors may emanate from human errors stemming from overwork and burnout. Some medical errors are attributable to the long working hours that medical professionals cover. The onset of managed care has heralded the reduction of size of nursi ng staff, while compelling others to work mandatory overtime shifts. Other causes include increasing specialization and fragmentation of the healthcare sector. The number of people involved in patient’s treatment is commensurate with occurrences of medical errors. Furthermore, medical errors emanate from manufacturing errors, equipment failure, diagnostic errors, and poorly designed buildings and facilities (Westrick & Dempski, 2009). Steps or Measures that Nurses can take in order to Prevent Medical Errors Healthcare professionals such as nurses should guarantee the quality of treatment, although a significant share of responsibility lies with patients in avoiding medical errors. The single most significant way in which nurses can aid in prevention of medical errors is being active members of their healthcare team. Healthcare providers must work successfully in collaborative teams in order to enhance patient safety. Nurses should adopt stricter standards of acceptable error rates. This will be crucial in making significant strides in enhancing safety and minimizing error. The commitment towards enhancing the quality of medical care and associated processes is one of the steps that nurses should adopt to reduce errors. Nurses should also report medical errors in order to improve the process. Reporting of medical errors plays a crucial role in abating further errors

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Analysis of Becoming Native by J. Lockwood Essay

Analysis of Becoming Native by J. Lockwood - Essay Example Lockwood is suggesting that is part of human nature to avoid change and generally fear situations or ideas that are unfamiliar or unknown. This is the first part of living backward where people tend to revert back to what they feel comfortable with rather than embracing new ideas, thoughts, or people. This is part of being held hostage to the past that is based in inherent biology rather than being more flexible and adaptive to changing surroundings. Lockwood compares this attitude to a type of xenophobia in his essay, suggesting that there has always been a â€Å"fear and loathing of foreigners† all throughout history (Lockwood, 140). He compares situations throughout history that reinforce this fear against foreign or alien peoples. He informs the reader that Irish people were treated poorly as well as Chinese immigrants, showing again how difficult it is to overcome this inherent fear of strange peoples and avoid flexible changes in society. Lockwood further reinforces how this type of attitude is even present in government leadership by describing a conflict between himself (as an expert) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Lockwood was attempting to warn the agency that there would be significant problems if the agency continued about its naturalistic activities, such as his concern over different diseases and wasps being introduced into native lands. The department argued with him about the potential for this type of natural situation, not because he is not an expert but rather because their value system was much like living backwards. The department offered, â€Å"†¦it is our contention that one factor that contributes to species pest status is inefficiency of the native biological control agents†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lockwood, 41). What the author is illustrating is that even government figures are unwilling to see beyond what they have already established as the truth, much like a fixed and rigid schema of thinking. Rather than accepting the advice of Lockwood, the agency uses its power and control to force compliance by Lockwood to simply accept their judgment despite his expert opinion and knowledge. The scientists involved in this particular conflict, Lockwood believed, are not taking a more active role as â€Å"cosmopolitan educators† (Lockwood, 141) and therefore the importance of a particular place is not being expressed properly. He seems to believe that the government agencies would have a much better sense of place at the psychological level with this type of support from the scientific community. Lockwood also describes the idea of who came first when describing the value or importance of native peoples. Lockwood believes that there is a juvenile attitude with a â€Å"finders keepers approach to the world† (Lockwood, 142). He believes that people in society tend to always look behind them in an effort to define who they are today and therefore become locked into thinking about previous struggles for land domination such as Eastern European history. In many ways, the author is suggesting that people are becoming too locked into historical records, none of which could ever be undone, and miss opportunities for expanding knowledge, culture and creativity in this process. This coincides with the concepts discussed by Lockwood about an inflexibility in society that is in-bred where people simply want to reject change and the unknown. When it comes to determining whether the right self-classification is indigenous or native, Lockwood suggests instead to think about

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Titanic Disaster Essay Example for Free

The Titanic Disaster Essay John Eaton, one of the co-authors of Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy said that in the summer of 1907, J. Bruce Ismay and Lord James Pirrie, a partner in Harland and Wolff, met to discuss plans to build two ocean liners that will surpass anything built to date. This simple meeting set off a chain of events that led to the death of over 1500 people less than five years later. The two ocean liners were to be called the Olympic and the Titanic. A third ship was added to the plans later. The Titanics hull plate was laid in 1909 and a little over two years later, Titanics 26,000 ton hull is launched at Harland and Wolffs shipyard. The ship reached a speed of twelve knots when it slid into the water before six anchor chains and two piles of cable drag chains weighing 80 tons each brought her to a halt. The White Star Line never christened their ships. Many people still consider this to be a bad omen (Eaton 87-90). On April 2, 1912, the Titanic set sail from Belfast and completed her sea trials. A small fire started in boiler room 6 that would smolder for weeks in the coal dust of the starboard bunker due to a spark from one of the boilers. Just eight days later, passengers began to board the ship to take the maiden voyage of the huge ocean liner. Shortly after noon on April 10, the Titanics mooring ropes were cleared and tug boats began to tow her from the dock. According to Colonel Archibald Gracie, a survivor of the wreck and author of the article Out of the Wreck, the movement of Titanics huge mass in the harbor causes all 6 mooring ropes of the ocean liner New York to snap. The New York began to swing towards the Titanics hull, but the tug boat, the Vulcan, managed to catch the New Yorks bow and heads off the collision. After some delay, Titanic is towed from the harbor and begins the 24 mile crossing of the English Channel. By Friday, Titanic is well on her way out to the North Atlantic, running at 21 knots (Eaton 105-109). During Captain Smiths inspection of the engine room on Saturday morning, Chief Engineer Bell reports the fire in boiler room 6 is finally extinguished, however the bulkhead part of the bunker shows signs of heat  damage (Eaton 105-10). Ton Kuntz, editor of the book Titanic Disaster Hearings: The Official Transcripts of the 1912 Senate Investigation, wrote that one survivor told investigators that Smith and Ismay talked at lunch about making New York a day early and grabbing headlines The Titanic began to receive ice warnings from other ships in the area. There were reports of large quantities of field ice 250 miles ahead of Titanic. Captain Smith took this message from the radio operators and later showed it to Bruce Ismay. There was another message was received from the ocean liner America that warned the Titanic of icebergs in its path, but this message was not forwarded to Captain Smith. The Californian later sent a third message warning of ice 50 miles ahead of Titanic. After meeting with Second Officer Lightoller and discussing the unusually calm seas and clear air, Captain Smith retires to his room. Officer Lightoller then cautions lookouts to be careful of ice until morning. The Titanics speed at this time is 22 knots (Kuntz 270-274). A heavy ice pack and iceberg warning is received from the Masaba. Wireless Officers Phillips and Bride ignored the message and proceed with sending personal messages from the passengers. Later, Lightoller passed the watch off to First Officer Murdock. Just a few hours later, Lookout Frederick Fleet rang the bridge by telephone yelling Iceberg right ahead! and rang the crows nest bell 3 times. Sixth Officer Moody acknowledges and relayed the message to Murdock, who orders the ships wheel turned hard-a-starboard and telegraphs the engine room to bring the ship to a full stop followed by the order full a-stern which would cause the propellers to turn backwards and slow the ship. The Titanic began to turn slowly to port but struck an underwater piece of the iceberg on the starboard side 12 feet back from the bow. The side of the ship was scrapped for 300 feet along Titanics side below the waterline,  tearing a hole in five compartments of the ship. First Officer Murdock ordered the wheel turned full to port, trying to corner Titanic around the remainder of the iceberg. He also threw the electric switch closing the water-tight compartment doors. Passengers on the upper decks saw the iceberg as Titanic passed by. Captain Smith arrived on the bridge and ordered Thomas Andrews, Chief Wilde, and Officer Boxhall to go below and inspect the damage (Eaton195-96). The post office on G deck was flooded, trapping and drowning several workers. Thomas Andrews reported that 5 compartments are flooded to the waterline and advised Captain Smith that Titanic can float with 4 compartments filled, but not 5. Less than 3 hours later, the lights flickered once and then went out as the electric generators fail. Titanics hull split from the deck to the keel between the 3rd and 4th funnels. The stern section falls back to the water and then rose up again as the bow broke off and began its decent to the ocean floor. The stern section floods and went down, 2 hours and 30 minutes after the collision. (Gracie 895-97). Over 1500 remaining passengers plunge into the icy water. There are several fields of thought as to what caused the disaster. Many believe that the ship was jinxed from the beginning because it wasnt christened and because of the bad luck of a near collision at beginning of its maiden voyage. According to Logan Morgan the sinking of the Titanic was mainly caused by unusual weather and human error. To begin with, the Titanic was on the southern most of the routes that were used by ocean liners. It was highly unusual for that much ice to be found that far south in April. Also the water and wind were very calm, no chance of spotting a breaker against an iceberg which would have made them much easier to spot. Finally there was no moonlight shining on the water; which made the night very dark. There are also many human errors that were made during that voyage. The  lookouts binoculars had been removed from the crows nest and locked in a cabinet in the second officers cabin and no one aboard had a key. The ship received numerous wireless messages alerting them to ice lying right in their path. Some of these were tacked up on the bridge and forgotten, one wound up in Bruce Ismays pocket and others never made it out of the wireless room (Kuntz. 301-03) Bruce Ismay wanted to make a good impression with his new ship and urged Captain Smith to test the speed of the huge ocean liner. So the Titanic was traveling at a much faster speed than it should have been (Eaton 303). Finally there were too few lifeboats for all the passengers on board and the ship was thought to be unsinkable so many passengers refused to leave the ship for the tiny lifeboats. In conclusion, many bad things happened during the Titanics short maiden voyage from the weather to actions of the crew. Each of these could have been disastrous alone, but a combination of all these factors contributed to a disaster causing the loss of over 1500 lives.

Impacts of a Borderless Society Essay Example for Free

Impacts of a Borderless Society Essay We live in a world where geographic boundaries cease to exist when it comes to goods, services, and even food. We think nothing of having freshly squeezed orange juice or kiwis for breakfast, even if we live in New York City with 10-inches of snow on the ground in the middle of January. We live in an age where everything and anything is available for consumption year-round at your local grocery store. Convenience comes with potentially major ecological and economic impacts that are both positive and negative. For example, the coffee you drink may come from beans imported from Columbia, the sugar you use may come from India, or the steaks you sear on the grill may have come from Argentina. How much fuel was spent transporting these products across the ocean? Were any pesticides used? If so, was it done in a sustainable fashion? Were forests cleared to make room for grazing herds or larger agricultural fields? These are just a few of the many questions we should be asking ourselves when we make our selections at the grocery store Explore the following resources in the Kaplan Library, along with the link from the United States Department of Agriculture, to learn more about the foods we rely on and the variety of ways in which we can acquire them. Roosevelt, M. (2006). The Lure of the 100-Mile Diet. Time, 167(24), 78. Cosier, S. (2007). The 100-Mile Diet. E: The Environmental Magazine, 18(5), 42. Cooper, C. (2007). 100 miles and counting. Food In Canada, 67(3), 7. Macpherson, C. (2007). You are where you eat. Ascent Magazine, (33), 46. Source: United States Department of Agriculture. (2012). The people’s garden. Retrieved from For this assignment, you will write an essay in which you analyze a meal provided to you by your instructor in the weekly announcement. Address the following questions as you write your assignment. †¢If you were to purchase each item at a local chain grocery store, where would these items be sourced? For example, where were the fruits, vegetables, and/or meats grown immediately prior to sale? Do not discuss the history or origin of the item i.e., â€Å"corn or maize originated in Mexico around 2500 BC.† †¢Discuss the events and methods of production that allowed your local grocery store to carry these items.What farming methods were likely used to grow these items and how do these methods impact the environment around the farms as well as the employees who work within these establishments †¢Were the items grown and shipped in from another country? †¢What types of processing and packaging must take place in order for you to be able to purchase the product? If you were to follow the suggestions shared within the articles provided above, where could you purchase the items (name specific local places within your community)? If a food item is not available locally, is there an alternative that you could use as a substitute? †¢Discuss the ecological and economic advantages and disadvantages of purchasing food items that are locally sourced versus those shipped from other areas of the country and from around the world. Use your textbook reading for this unit in order to explore the environmental impacts, and use these to further analyze the impacts our food purchases may have on the environment. †¢The food choices we make have the potential to generate both local and global impacts. This can be summarized in the phrase â€Å"Think Globally, Act Locally.† Based upon your analysis of the meal provided by your instructor for this assignment, discuss how the choices you make when planning and buying meals might change in the future and how your choices, when combined with those of others, can have a global impact. This essay should be a minimum of 1,000-words in APA style format. Provide appropriate citations and references for any information you use in this paper. Your paper should include a minimum of five sources. These can include those provided within the project directions and the course materials. Be sure to avoid copying and pasting large sections of text from any given source. For help with citations, refer to the APA Quick Reference. For additional writing help, visit the Kaplan University Writing Center and review the guidelines for research, citation and plagiarism: Kaplan Writing Center. (2012). Research, citation, and plagiarism. Kaplan University. Retrieved from: Be sure your essay analysis is clearly written, uses correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and that the writing is well ordered, logical, unified, as well as original and insightful.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Managing Cultural Diversity Management Essay

Managing Cultural Diversity Management Essay Davis (2003, p. 45) argues that cultural differences are usually created by race-ethnicity, gender, function, and tenure among the organization factors. Difference in culture may result to the rise of conflicts among team members. This usually results to disrupted communication within the organization and eventually negative outcomes. Therefore, it is the role of every organization and entire management to come up with various ways of managing and reducing negative effects of cultural differences. Management in various organizations should ensure that they are able to detect and avoid such cases from arising. Political backgrounds and experience are other major factors that contribute to cultural differences. Multicultural teams and differences in most occasions generate dilemmas in the organization management. Cultural differences usually create considerable obstacles to efficient teamwork. Recognizing various underlying cultural causes of conflicts is the main challenge in managing multicultural teams by organizations management. It is also a great challenge for management to get teams back into the track as well as empowering members to manage and deal with the challenges of cultural differences in future. Work-group diversity has become one of the most challenging issues that are facing various organizations currently. Various factors like demographic, cultural and legal factors have greatly changed the composition of organizations work forces. Demographic factors include multi-culturalism, equality initiatives, globalization, and declining birth rates. Therefore, this requires managers, employers, and employees to be sensitive to both intra- and intergroup differences. They are also required to adopt practices and policies which are effective in coping with such changes. Managing cultural diversification Ely Thomas, (2001, p. 230) maintains that managers and team members can manage cultural differences. This is only possible if they adopt and chose the right strategies within their organizations. Cultural difference poses various challenges which include hindering success within the organization. They pose as a barrier to effective communication which is a key element in any organization. Cultural difference creates differing attitudes towards authority and hierarchy hence difference in the ways people are treated. It also leads to conflicts especially when making decisions. These challenges are a great hindrance towards success and development of any organization. Therefore, managers need to come up with various strategies and policies in ensuring cultural differences and challenges are eliminated. According to Nankervis, Compton Baird, (2002, p. 120), they are four main strategies of dealing with cultural challenges for managers and various teams in organizations. They include adaption, structural intervention, managerial intervention and exit. Adaption mainly involves acknowledgement of cultural gaps frankly and even working around them. Managerial intervention involves early setting of norms and even bringing in of high-level management. Structural intervention is changing of the teams shape. Exit involves removing a team member in case the options have failed. They are several steps that any organizations management can adopt in dealing and eliminating cultural differences. Identification of the challenge is the key and first step in dealing with multicultural differences. Assessing the circumstances under which the differences are occurring is another crucial step towards dealing with multicultural differences. Adaption is a great strategy that organizations encourage in dealing with cultural diversity. This involves teams finding various ways of working with and around the challenge that they encounter. It also involves adapting practices and attitudes without necessarily making changes to the assignment of the group. Adaption works well when members of the team or organization acknowledge and even name their differences in culture as well as assuming their responsibilities. It also involves figuring on various ways to live with the cultural differences. Adaption has been seen as the best way of dealing with cultural diversity difference as it does not demand a lot of time as compared to other strategies. This is mainly because members of the team take part in problem solving while learning from the process. This kind of mind set plays a great role in ensuring there are creative in protecting their cultural differences within the organization. Organization taking this type of initiative en sures that cultural diversity does not affect its performance and operations among its teams. Various organizations managements have found adaption as an ideal strategy towards solving cultural diversity. This is mainly because it is effective and solves its own problem with little input from management. Team members must be aware of this strategy in order for it to be successful in solving the intended problems or differences. However, negotiating a common understanding may take sometime among the team members. Structural intervention is another way that organizations are utilizing in ensuring they manage the cultural diversity. It is an intentional reorganization or reassignment that is designed to reduce or eliminate source of conflict between people or teams. It is also intended to reduce interpersonal frictions that largely contribute to cultural diversity. The strategy works effectively when obvious subgroups separate the team. This is mainly if team members are clinging to negative stereotypes of one another or feel threatened. Structural intervention also involves creating smaller working groups of diversified cultures. This enables team members to know and even respect every team member. Various organizations utilize or use this strategy as it encourages reduction of cultural diversity within the organization. Structural intervention as a strategy for managing cultural diversity shields people who are not working well in a team. Managerial intervention also plays a vital role in solving organizations cultural diversity effects. Although the failure to involve team in decision making may result to a stalemate, it is important for managers to intervene when cultural diversity blocks the success of decision making. Managerial intervention has been used in many occasions by various organizations to solve sort out its problems effectively. Setting norms early in a team through managerial intervention assists the team towards starting out effectively. Managers encourage team members to encourage each other towards ensuring everybody is appreciated and encouraged to work with each other despite cultural diversity. Managers address the issues like language barrier and ethnic diversity directly. They encourage them on various ways to solve cultural diversity within the team and entire organization. Exit is another strategy that is utilized towards reducing the problems of cultural diversity. This is usually the last and infrequent strategy towards managing cultural differences. It is important for those members who are not happy with their teams to move out of the team to another team. This will ensure there is continued delivery of efficient services. Exit of one or several members is used by organizations as a last resort. One or several members of the team or organization may be kindly requested formally by management to exit. They may also exit voluntarily from the team. According to Bhatia Chaudary (2003, p. 25), managing diverse culture within an organization is not an easy task. Realizing and managing cultural diversity within an organization has been on the increase. This is assisting greatly in facilitating organizational progress and success. On a broad perspective, organizations can manage cultural diversity through communication. This is creating awareness among the employees and various teams on the importance of diverse values of peers. Another way is through cultivating; this is facilitating encouragement, support, and appreciation of any employee achievement by all other colleagues. Diverse culture can also be managed through capitalizing strategies. This involves linking diversity to every process of business and strategy such as employee development, re-engineering, succession planning, performance review and management. Organizations also adopt various innovative ways towards management of cultural diversity. This includes incorporating various people from different cultural backgrounds as well as acknowledging the importance of their cultural. Appreciating people cultural background usually leads to reduced background differences. This ensures there is a common organizational diversity that does not affect the performance of various teams. Organizations have also started empowerment to all members regardless of race or gender. Empowerment is crucial towards making of an effective decision making. Towards reducing culture diversity difference, organizations are encouraging free contribution towards decision making processes. Utilization of empowerment in diverse organizations results to more trust among the team members as well as higher productivity. Empowerment in an organization with diverse culture has been seen to make team members feel their contribution in a manner that is more worthwhile and meaningful. This assists greatly towards improvement of diversity climate hence accomplishment of organization objectives. It is also crucial for various organizations to initiate diversity training programs as illustrated by Perkins, (2006, p. 60). Leaders and managers in organizations should be trained on how to manage and understand culturally diversified employees. Employees as well should be provided with adequate training on the importance of understanding people with different cultures. This will greatly assist in improving the differences that arise when people of different cultures work together. Training is crucial towards the breakdown of stereotypes as well as reducing prejudicial attitudes among the team members. Mentoring and networks are other effective ways towards improvement of the diversity climate. Mentors usually provide recognition, support, and challenge in order to assist in shaping the future for those individuals they are assisting. Mentors are in most occasions beneficial mainly because it assists in keeping minorities on the track. It also assists in keeping them focused withi n any culturally diversified organization. Networking is also another crucial process that assists organizations in managing the cultural diversity within the teams. Networking acts as a source of encouragement and support to various employees with diversified cultural differences. It is also crucial for organizations to strength top-management commitment towards creating a positive diversity climate within the organization. This commitment should be distributed even to the lowest management levels. All managers at every level within an organization should openly and strongly support all policies, strategies, and practices that support the management of culture diversity. This will greatly assist towards reducing culture diversification related challenges within an organization. It will assist in improving and increasing the benefits associated with culture diversity. Conclusion Cultural differences that face multicultural teams may not necessary attribute to diversity challenges. However, these differences underlay the problems that require to be addressed in various teams in organizations. Cultural diversity may not only have negative effects on the working of a team, but they may result to problems in management as well. If any organizations management intervenes early in any cultural challenge within the organization, this may lead to good resolution of the problem. Organizations management should set up norms; structure social interaction as well as engaging all people within the team in solving problems arising due to cultural difference. Managing cultural diversity well has various benefits that are associated with it. Effective management of cultural diversity usually results to organizational benefits or success. Organizations with an effective managed multi-culture have a cost effective competitive edge. It also results to the promotion of minority friendly reputation among prospective employees. Organization with good management of cultural diversity usually results to an increased flexibility and adaptability in case of any environmental changes. Effective management of culture diversity will assist in improving and increasing the benefits associated with culture diversity.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Women and Mathematics Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Women and Mathematics Call me a bigot if you want but men are better mathematicians than women. Year after year, men score higher on the SAT’s, more men receive prestigious educations from the best technical schools in the nation, and men obtain more degrees, secure more jobs and get promoted more often. â€Å"The ETS report on students taking the SAT examinations indicates that males have traditionally scored 40-50 points higher on the mathematics section† (Women) â€Å"In 1996, California Institute of Technology’s enrollment was 75% male, Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s enrollment was 62% male, Renssalear Polytechnic Institute’s enrollment was 77% male, Rochester Institute of Technology’s enrollment was is 68% male, and Worchester Institute of Technology’s enrollment was 79% male† (Baron’s). The future for women who enter the work place as mathematicians is no more encouraging. â€Å"Roughly three times as many wom en are unemployed and six times as many women are in part time positions. The female mathematicians who acquire these full time jobs are less likely than men to be promoted to a position such as full or associate professor† ( Females’ lack of success as mathematicians has nothing to do with their mathematical potential. The reason females do not excel in mathematical fields can be explained by high school course selection, social pressures and support and not by genetic differences. Psychologists have studied the impact of environment on human development for years. Most would agree that environment does shape us and play a role in some way or another. It is no wonder that mathematics has the tendency to turn women off. The world has ... ...cs. In the years, the country has started to realize the injustice it has been doing females in the field of mathematics. I believe that in the future these biases and disadvantages will be a thing of the past. Females have the mental capability to perform on an equal level with all respected and distinguished male mathematicians, but first social pressures and stereotypes must be eliminated. Works Cited [1] Association for Women in Mathematics. Education and Career. [2] Chipman, Susan F. Women and Mathematics: Balancing the Equation. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 1985 [3] Custard, Edward T. The Princeton Review Student Advantage Guide to the Best 301 Colleges. Random House, Inc. New York, 1996 [4] Nolan, Deborah. Women in Mathematics: Scaling the Heights. The Mathematical Association of America, 1997

Friday, July 19, 2019

Art Exhibit on Brown vs. Board of Education :: Art Race Segregation

Recreating the Elements Surrounding Brown vs. Board of Education Usually when I imagine an art exhibit I think of giant portraits of historic figures or arrangements of simple geometric shapes, and I am unable to comprehend how their worth exceeds the value of the materials put into them. These exhibits are usually organized to give an impression of the appropriate artist or time period, but the exhibit commemorating the Brown vs. Board of Education decision creates a model of the concepts and ideas surrounding its issues. The very first thing I noticed when visiting this exhibit was the wallpaper surrounding the entryway. This wallpaper consists of black and white portraits of people’s faces surrounded by and overlapped with bright neon stripes. These stripes are illuminated by black lights aimed from the ceilings and make it difficult to tell the race of the people featured. Although it accomplishes this goal quite well, at first glance I really only noticed how it detracts from the exhibit’s overall appearance. The exhibit and the area outside of it have a somewhat calm modern appearance with track lighting and wood floors so the neon wallpaper does not go well with its surroundings whatsoever which is something definitely not expected in an art museum. The main goal of the exhibit is to make race seem irrelevant and indistinguishable. The first example of this I noticed is obviously the wallpaper outside, which seems quite random and bizarre until the rest o f the exhibit is seen. Once inside the exhibit, I immediately figured out the wallpaper’s purpose as dealing with race issues just like the majority of the works in the exhibit. In the middle of the room, there is a large couch aimed towards a projection screen which shows two sets of home movies side by side of a white and black family. These movies feature scenarios such as birthdays, Christmas, and vacations and other scenarios that I could relate to, which are almost identical in each version. By showing the similarities in the private lives of white and black families, this part of the exhibit demonstrates that racial differences do not make people unlike one another.

Greek Accomplishment and Foundation of the Western World Essay

Greek Accomplishment and Foundation of the Western World Most people today think that our ancestors made up our current cultures and traditions by themselves. However, most of western society is based upon Greek culture and ideas that were passed to the Romans and then passed on to Europe, and then Americas. We still share characteristics with the ancient world. The most important aspect that made Greek ideas so appealing was the idea that humans were able to reason: the highest value that a human could ascribe to. Their definition of reason was that a person should ask questions, and then use a system of thinking and activities to find physical answers and then know what they indicate. In modern day, this process is known as the scientific method. If done correctly, this system should lead to more questions and should never be answered by supernatural explanations. This was the beginning of a revolt against the Greek religion. It led to the idea of liberalism: a very optimistic belief in human potential. They believed that humans had capa city of improvement. If you believed in liberalism, you could understand and control natural and human forces. They believed that if you could control things, then you should be able to govern yourselves. The ability to reason makes them capable of self-government. The Europeans readily accepted this and other important ideas of that time. They also felt individualism, in that all rights and privileges were relative to themselves and not to a family or other group. Government Democracy, where people govern themselves instead of being ruled by a king, was first documented in ancient Greece, especially in the city of Athens. The government was a loose federation of cooperating city-state... ...e still valued today in the arts and school. Humans are still celebrated as the subject of art and theatre. The Greeks developed ideas such as materialism, commerce, and profit, and how to apply them to the physical world. Without those ideas our society could not have evolved the way that it did because capitalism may not have existed. They also coined the idea of individualism in that all rights, privileges, strengths, and weaknesses were relative to an individual and not to a family or society. In other words you will be punished or rewarded for your own doing. They also developed the idea that humans are equal except for their innate traits. The ancient Greeks developed a great deal of what we take for granted and in fact, we would be a completely different society if they had not existed. This is why Greece is often known as the Cradle of Western Civilization.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Recommendation to join Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc

In the pursuant of the above subject, I am writing this recommendation letter for Trevor Garrett. Currently I am a member of the Omicron Eta Lambda Chapter in Washington DC, a fraternity that instills strict brotherhood and career development ( My acquaintance with Trevor dates back to a couple of years back in Webster University where we were taking our master degree in Human Resource Management My interactions with him were at an academic level where he emerged as a person of impressive communication and inter personal skills. He has over time been of exemplary academic standing enabling him to achieve above average grade points. Looking at your minimum requirements for membership into the Alpha Phi Fraternity Inc. leaves me convinced that Trevor in an ideal candidate for membership, and the fraternity stands to gain much from his strong character and personality. He in turn I believe will have an ample and a clear opportunity to develop his career and religious ties. Trevor is of good character and of high moral and social standings, a fact I came to note in the many interactions during his master. His undergraduate course was taken from one of the few accredited universities in this nation and posses the level of academic background that your organization is looking for. It is my sincere believe that armed with the above qualities and qualifications. Trevor posses the zeal and abilities to make an excellent member of your organization. In case of any questions or reservations please don’t hesitate to call me. Yours Sincerely George Higgins Work Cited Alpha Phi Alpha. Fraternity, Mulambda chapter, Chapter, Washington D.C, September 18, 2007 from Â  

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Microfinance Impacts On Social Vulnerability Health And Social Care Essay

The manifestation into describe in this thesis was on pertain of Microfinance on neighborly vulnerability in piteous gear income families of Pakistan .The intent of this seek was to probe the tint of littlefinance upon the unguarded sector i.e. the depressive disorder income Ho accustomh sexagenarians of Pakistan. The elementary subject was ga in that respectd by drifting questionnaires and carry oning interviews. SPSS package was use to analyse informations for frequences and cross tabular matter. The consequences were image by usual rules of statistics. The findings suggested that thither is a eventant impact of teensyfinance in know smoothening exiguity of the low income families. The findings showed that the littlefinance invitees had been table serviceed by littlefinance loans to elate their criterion of feel and their social frame. Microfinance establishments go through improved their criterion of bearing. It has alike helped them by increa sing their guideger entry to health and educational activity inst t bulge ensemble(a)ations. Microfinance has improves the conditions of living accommodations of its lymph nodes. in that respectfore microfinance establishments help to diminish the social mental picture and has go them egress of leanness.Chapter 1IntroductionOverview of the subject under considerationThe trading trading operations of microfinance be non much diverse from that of m unrivaledymaking(prenominal) camberss notwith containing the chief difference prevarications in their client section which is the s rachiticy for the microfinance. Challenges that be set ab knocked turn up(p) by the abject be misfortunate health, insufficiency of knowledge, scurvy lodge, and wish of populate and unexpected menaces like earthy catastrophes. These factors influence the frugal place of the deplorable any endorsement penny-pinching. Microfinance focuses on these issues to stroke d prot est social photograph of the unfortunate. few of the issues that make believe impact on the social flick of the misfortunate argon forgetful health is wiz of the chief railway yard that admits volume compromising and does non let them to bring out of leanness. shoe hold inrs last of the staff of disembodied spirit earner leaves the dear family helpless and thus falling of genius element ill makes the full family unstable. t from each oneing method is wizard of the major(ip) constituents of microfinance run. Microfinance allows the client to induce off their breeding income activities. In the absence seizure of proper counselling the unfortunate argon unable to h aged(prenominal) up out of poorness. monetary preparation and provision of grownup literacy be of moee move of microfinance merchandises. trapping helps the misfortunate to make assets. put in lodge agencies in commit in touch since the poor usually work from place. veraciou s lodging gives the low with ledger entry to canonical installations. Income required for nutritive use of goods and services and early(a) outmatchs is critical and should be stack to entertain the reside stable. touchstone of breeding determines the quality of unrecorded the pathetic ar populatingBack flat coat of the subjectHistory of MicrofinanceMicrofinance is an old construct but it became really popular in the 70 s by Dr Muhammad Yunus. Muhammad yunus realized that in that location would be a batch of enterprisers among his realm but these populate could nt get down their ain come to collectable to strike down of crown. Muhammad Yunus established a chamfering company that would deal a few hundred dollars to the measly to get down a novel concern. He established the Grameen bank in 1983 in Bangladesh. His chief lay was to check hapless commonwealth move out of poorness by supplying them with loans. Microfinance refers to abide of monetary run li ke loan, insurance, live eggs to the hapless. As the hapless dejection non acquire these services from commercial Bankss, microfinance provides them with these services. Microfinance was introduced in Bangladesh in 1976 and of all time since it has gained vastness in the fiscal universe. Microfinance has shown a dictatorial impact on its clients over the old ages. Surveies obtain shown that come out of the loans to croak bad distaffs and adult females invest them in concern and dis make out their and their syndicatehold s criterions of conduct cordial icon in PakistanSocial image has many dimensions. The hapless in Pakistan have non large(p)ly low income but they similarly lack incoming to basic occupys such as commandment, health, blank take in H2O and proper sanitation. The latter(prenominal) undermines and bounds their capablenesss, bounds their chances to procure employment, consequences in their social exclusion and exposes them to exogenic dazes. th en the barbarous rhythm of poorness is accentuated when so authorities constructions exclude the virtually insecure from the finale devising procedure. Poverty is one of the nearly of importation jobs that argon showcased by introduce. But due to make up of scotch activities and policies of the authorities, thither atomic number 18 around good Numberss came on poorness and poorness decrease. Social depiction, social exclusion and social inequality be demonstrate in different parts of hobnailed Pakistan. There are different social constructions that modulate the inelegant life in Pakistan. In rural Pakistan socially vulnerable configurations have limited ingress to labour party commercialize and social services and this restriction trios to poverty. to a greater extent than one-half of the rural cosmos in Pakistan is landless and rural poorness is highest among those who own no land. It is found that 42 per centum of the population is populating in fami lies with illiterate caputs is hapless. Net primary registration rates are however 37 per centum for the hapless and this per centum is even dismount in adult females and chaffs. There is the social movement of affinity and caste system in the rural Pakistan and the presence of powerful conferences conveys to private business like unveiling to dictation, health and some different servicesLack of instruction and need of access code to wellness and public services are one of the lay downs of poorness. give loans to the hapless is non a new thought, each bit early as sixties Agricultural bank has been supplying loans to the husbandmans to leverage fertilisers, high giving up seeds and machinery. These Bankss failed to punter the criterion of life of the hapless because they merely provided loan and did non offer services of deposition maintaining and did non hold any economy merchandises. MF attempts to supply solution to this job. MF provides fiscal services incl ude working capital loans, consumer actualization, nest eggs, pensions, insurance, and money dishonoration services. Microfinance embraces a broad scope of services that is non bound merely to micro recognition.Importance of the position with look at to the universeOne-half of the universe s population is populating on an income of less than two dollars a xxiv hours. In these hapless communities one kid out of every five does non endure to see his birthday. Microfinance claims to supply the hapless an ingress to capital giving them an chance to travel up the scotch ladder. Examination of microfinance operations around the universe has indicated that hapless who use microfinance merchandises have beat less vulnerable and are able to travel themselves out of poorness. Even those who managed to travel out of poorness, it took them 5 to 10 old ages to travel out of poorness. stupor appraisal of microfinance is of import to agnize the effectivity and outreach of microfinance in run intoing the knowledge aims, in any case an of import point the should be considered is that microfinance services are an instrument of development and non an terminal in themselves. In the terrene conflict against poorness microfinance is considered an of import and well-grounded tool. It join ons the chances of the hapless by supplying them assenting to the capital and helps them by increasing in their income and besides amplifications the social position of the borrowers. umteen givers, societal investors and polity shapers have back up the growing of this on an international gradational table with important flows of subsidising grants and financess.Importance of the visual sense with find to PakistanMicrofinance sector began in Pakistan through rural development undertakings that were funded by the givers. The Agha khan rural champion mean a priori key has been imitated all across Pakistan and since so microfinance has become an critical instrument in s howing with the issues of the hapless of the Pakistan. It is considered that microfinance should be utilize to cuff down poorness by 33 per centum.This belief is mostly supported by informations and grounds all across Pakistan. along with abbreviate pour down poorness microfinance in Pakistan is besides seen as an of import instrument for gender authorization. The Government of Pakistan and rural support plans in the state think that by supplying recognition to adult females in that location can income coevals and the societal and economic position of adult females in the family and in the community can be improved. As it is intrustd that microfinance can extinguish poorness, can give adult females and eradicate unemployment but nonetheless there is non adequate seek that supports all these claims.enquiry inquiryWhat is the impact of microfinance on societal word picture in low income families of Pakistan?Chapter 2LITERATURE REVIEWWarner ( 2009 ) conducted a research on so cietal characterisation, where she defines the term, examines polity significance of societal image and discusses the value of survey of societal exposure for run a risk trouble. The primaeval ground shtup this research was to see the factor that are related to exposure for hazard decrease intent and intercourse the major concern that should be considered plot of ground making research. The author discusses the hard in mensurating societal exposure she says that chief methodological argument approximately societal exposure is that it deals with our certain societal elements that are hard to mensurate. The author points out that there should be tools that should be made by the policy shaper that should support in mensurating societal exposure accurate and easy. The determination were that societal exposure is merely non put on the line decrease because it consider trinity of import component and those elements are tidy sum, societal systems and non structural solutions . The author references chances that are gravel to extinguish societal exposure are by authorising adult females and bettering the position in the society and by utilizing hazard kick tools like microfinance to better the hazard direction capablenesss of the vulnerable population.United Nations secretariats ( 2003 ) published a drive on universe societal state of in the flesh(predicate) matters, beginnings and challenge of societal exposure. The aim of this breeding was to place the beginning of societal exposure because to accomplish decrease in societal exposure it is of import to understand its beginnings. The study states that societal exposure is the exposure of societal groups. These societal groups include adult females, kids, older mint and people with disablements and minorities. The study states that these groups face societal exposure due to different societal, economic and cultural barriers. These groups are excluded from income market every bit good as are social ly excluded. This study identifies that a barbarous circle is created by the interaction of poorness and exposure because hapless people are the 1 who are most vulnerable to income dazes and stuff losingss and these dazes and losingss make them unable to travel out to poorness. In order to make love down poorness it is of import to understand what makes these people vulnerable. The most of import beginnings of exposure identified in this study are income security and deficiency of entree to fiscal markets but these are non the lone beginnings other societal ailments such as hapless wellness, unequal entree to wellness services, no entree or unequal entree to instruction are besides major beginnings of societal exposure. asunder from this societal exclusion on the earth of gender and civilization besides lead to societal exposure. This study identifies the demand for societal and economic policies that help in originative activity of employment of these societal groups. The most of import beginning of societal exposure identified in this study is income jeopardy hence economic growing and yeasty activity of employment should be kept in head when making policies to cut down societal exposure. As societal exposure arises due to societal, cultural and economic barriers, hence societal and economic policies should be integrated to cut down societal exposure. This study indicates that developing states should implement stairss for socially vulnerable groups.Philip and rayhan ( 2004 ) conducted a research on what are the causes and what is the relationship among poorness and societal exposure. The cardinal ground dirty dog this research was to look at different significances of poorness and societal exposure and to snap their unifiedness in order to better the life criterions in the development states. To transport out the research they did interdisciplinary outline of both(prenominal) poorness and exposure by reexamining literature and by looking at th e instance surveies of different developing states. The determination of this research was that exposure and poorness are multidimensional footings i.e. they include societal, economic, political and environmental factors and are complex footings. They are interrelated in such a stylus that each causes the other, which means that poorness makes people vulnerable to societal, economic and environmental dazes, their exposure escalate poorness and therefore do them vulnerable to farther dazes. For measuring of exposure, factors of economic efficiency which are land productiveness, labour productiveness, and per capita income, factors for societal equity which are people below poorness line, life anticipation, and female literacy should be thrifty. PROBLEMS OF POOR HEALTH SHOULD BE ADDRESSED BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN FOUND TO BE THE MAIN RESONS of poorness and societal exposure.Freyssinet ( 2009 ) worked on how to mensurate societal exposure. The purpose of mensurating societal exposure is that it can countenance in minimising the inauspicious impact of economic, societal, political and environmental dazes and aid in interrupting the rhythm of aims every bit good as subjective. The bind states some inconstant that can assist in mensurating societal exposure the variables are healthy life anticipation, poorness, unemployment and debt ratios and others.Wisner ( 2006 ) worked on the hazard decrease powers of societal exposure. The cardinal ground in arrears this research was to analyze the advocators of societal exposure for its better apprehension. He states that those indexs are apply whose informations is available from family study or informations self-possessed by different disposals. He states that an of import index of societal exposure is inform safety. School safety includes the per centum of instruct available, entree to instruction services and security measure to go on instruction, what is primary in lock in registration, figure of instructors and pupil per drill. Another of import index of societal exposure is to analyze the diverseness of economic activity of a family. It leave alone include ratio of people gaining from support and people gaining from fabricating. Another of import index is homelessness which can be measured by looking at the per centum of people homeless. The writer states that in order to spirit and to cut down societal exposure these are the most of import index that should be put one overn into history. He concludes that indexs of societal exposure are found in the establishments, support, substructures and other societal factors.Matin, Hulme and Ruthford ( 2004 ) conducted a research on finance for hapless from microfinance to micro fiscal services. The purpose of this research was to hand ways how fiscal merchandises can be designed and delivered to the hapless in a better port. This paper states that supplying hapless people with microfinance give assist them bulk large with poorness whi ch entrust take to disintegration of poorness. Microfinance is average for cut downing exposure by giving hapless entree to wellness and instruction services and is a mean for increasing income. This article states that there are two microfinance supplier informal, trucking rigfinal formal and formal. Informal suppliers are unregistered such as money loaners and semifinal formal suppliers are microfinance establishments that are commonly NGO s and formal suppliers are those which are capable to banking jurisprudence of the state. The article concludes that the hapless need fiscal services for care and betterment of their support. All informal, semi formal and formal suppliers can assist hapless in accomplishing these.Radermacher ( 2010 ) conducted a research on micro insurance, as a tool to cut down exposure due to courts of ill-health. The cardinal ground behind this research was that hapless domiciliateholds frequently due to malady lose all their assets due wellne ss disbursals which they cover from their earning or from borrowing. Even if such hapless family have entree to microfinance but microfinance wo nt cover substantiating disbursals like transit costs and income loss that occurs due to illness. consequently there is demand for micro insurance which non merely cover these wellness disbursals but besides the collateral disbursals. For transporting out research family study was conducted in low income territories on Nepal. Harmonizing to the study it was found that periodical rate of illness was more than 10 % in the territories and female, babies and older people are more vulnerable to illness as compared to work forces. Survey was besides done to go through the heath disbursals of hapless family and it was found it is increasing over the old ages and that these hapless family at the same dress have limited entree to wellness services. The study besides showed the beginning utilize by these family to cover wellness cost and it w as found that these family either sold their assets to cover costs or re behavior to adoption. similarly when adoption was done it was done from sevenfold beginnings to cover full disbursals. This article states that micro insurance is the finest tool for cut downing the exposure. Insurance besides non besides covers the medical exam cost but besides the index costs. The article states that the focal point of micro insurance is that it should be low-cost, bettering the qualities of life of the hapless and cut down their poorness. Another of import factor of micro insurance is trust. The hapless family have limited budget and they impart neer purchase the insurance policy unless they wo nt hold trust on the micro insurance supplier and it is undertaking of the insurance supplier to convert them that they will clear from buying the insurance policy. and then micro insurance is the best possible manner to cut down the exposure of low income family.Hamid, Robert and Mosley ( 2010 ) evaluated the wellness effects of micro wellness insurance arrangement. The cardinal ground behind this research was to analyze and analyze the impacts of micro wellness insurance arrangement on the consciousness of wellness, use of wellness guardianship and position of wellness of clients of Grameen bank in Bangladesh. For the research primary information was collected through family study in countries where there are subdivisions of Grameen bank. Since more than 90 % of clients of Grameen bank are female therefore merely female were selected for the survey. The study included both interview and questionnaires. subsequently roll uping the information a arrested development equation was derived from experiential theoretical banknote to analyze the impact of impact. The dependent variables taken were awareness of wellness and position of wellness. The determination were statistically of import for consciousness for wellness and use of heath attention but non for wellness positi on and those happening are important for expanding upon and imitation of micro wellness insurance.Develtere and Huybrechts ( 2002 ) worked on looking at groundss on societal and economic impacts of Grameen bank and BRAC on the hapless in Bangladesh. The cardinal ground behind this research was to happen the societal and economic impact of these Bankss on the hapless. There are different ways to mensurating the impact of microfinance on pulmonary tuberculosis and income. The method used that the borrowers renounce their before and aft(prenominal) state of affairs and utilizing this method it was found that per capita income and sum of recognition obtained from Grameen bank was positively related. The survey showed that Grameen bank improved the economic conditions of 91 % its clients. Research shows that income and using up should be taken as dependent variable for mensurating the impact of microfinance on the hapless. Apart from betterment in income and ingestion of the client it was seen that employment was besides generated. Besides the research indicates that the labour market utilization of adult females increase as analogy to adult females populating in nearby small towns. Researches states that micro recognition aid in cut downing poorness. BRAC every bit good as Grameen bank have seen that their tools for salvaging have help in cut downing exposure. Apart from betterment in their economic status their societal status was besides improved the societal state of affairss of adult females as good of their household. with microfinance these adult females achieved empowerment and now they non seen as a load but a beginning of income which has change magnitude her position as her power of determination devising. Women of hapless family face a job of domestic force. In this research a arrested development digest was done and it was found that adult females who are clients of BRAC and Grameen bank are better case-hardened by their hubbies. These Banks s increased the mobility of adult females, spread out their cognition and increased consciousness of the universe.Asad Kamran Ghalib ( 2007 ) worked on societal impacts appraisal of microfinance. The purposes of this work was to look at the wider and societal impacts of microfinance and what tools and methods should be used to mensurate these societal impacts. For societal impacts sound judgement a generic theoretical accounts was used. The theoretical account consisted of a control group and a plan group. The control group was non exposed to microfinance interference while plan group. The control group was non exposed to microfinance intercession while plan group was the one which was exposed to microfinance intercession. For mensurating of societal impact of microfinance on plan group a societal impact measurement index was used, which took account four variables. The variables were wellness, literacy, support and community. Each variable has its ain indexs. For informations ag gregation secondary beginnings were used which include nose count study and informations published by regulative bureaus. The findings were that microfinance lead to adult females authorization and improved their livelihood criterion and that of their household. There nutrition, hygienics and life conditions improved. Access to education increased their consciousness.Chapter 3MethodologyResearch TypeThe slip of research is qualitative in nature. The heart and soul purpose of the qualitative research is to happen out the relationship between the dependent variable and the unaffiliated variable. The relationship between the variables is travelling to be built utilizing statistical tools such as cross tabular matter. Study scene of the research will be im person-to-person. Then the purpose of this survey is to happen the extent to which microfinance reduces societal exposure.Data fiber and Research PeriodFor my research, I am traveling carry out primary research, for which I am t raveling to carry on questionnaire utilizing a 5-point likert graduated table. 1 depicts knock-down(prenominal)ly dis combine and 5 depicts strongly acquiesce. The questionnaire contains 12 inquiries, 3 inquiries per variable.Population, Working population and SampleFor my research, I am traveling to take a on the job population of 70 people who are clients of microfinance institutes in Lahore. expose of the 70 questionnaires, 20 questionnaires will be disqualified on some bases. consequently the sample size for my research will be 50.Theoretical Framework and Variables under treatmentMy independent variable is microfinance and the dependent variables areSocial exposureHealthEducationIncomeHousingStandard of lifeOperational DefinitionsHealthPoor wellness is one of the chief grounds that makes people vulnerable and does non let them to draw out of poorness. Death of the staff of life earner leaves the full family helpless and therefore falling of one member ill makes the full fa mily unstable.EducationEducation is one of the major constituents of microfinance services. Microfinance allows the client to pull off their growing income activities. In the absence of proper instruction the hapless are unable to travel out of poorness. Fiscal preparation and proviso of grownup literacy are of import parts of microfinance merchandises.HousingHousing helps the hapless to make assets. Investing in lodging agencies in investing in concern since the hapless normally work from place. Proper lodging gives the hapless with entree to basic installations.IncomeIncome required for nutrient ingestion and other outlays is critical and should be plenty to maintain the house stable.Standard of lifeStandard of life determines the quality of unrecorded the hapless are populatingResearch HypothesisHolmium Microfinance leads to better wellness of its clientsH1 Microfinance does non take to better wellness of its clientsHolmium Microfinance leads to increase in instruction and take registration of its client s kidsH1 Microfinance does nt take to increase in instruction and school registration of its client s kidsHolmium Microfinance leads to increase in personal income of its clientsH1 Microfinance does non take to increase in personal income of its clientsHolmium Microfinance improves the criterion of life of its clientsH1 Mic Ho Microfinance leads to betterment in lodging of its clientsH1 Microfinance does nt take to betterment in lodging of its clientsrofinance does nt better the criterion of life of its clientsTechniquesAfter coat the questionnaires, I am traveling to make traverse tabular matter analysis for my research.Datas AnalysisFor this research, SPSS will be used and transversal tabular matters will be carried out, subsequently which the significance of each variable will be determined and therefore each guesswork will be proved.Data expositionThe consequences generated from SPSS would be combined and will so be further analyze utilizing the tabular arraies and the graphs and cross check analysis.Chapter 4RESULTS AND ANALYSISTable 1 grade check of by and by microfinance your entree to wellness installations and boilers suit wellness of your household members has improvedOverall wellness of your household members has improved full(a) microfinance your entree to wellness installations improved3.0012254.005168295.00412016 intact10301050Holmium Microfinance leads to better wellness of its clientsH1 Microfinance does non take to better wellness of its clientsThis cross tabular matter shows that 29 out of 50 clients defend that after struggle in microfinance their entree to wellness installations has improved and 16 clients strongly agree that after engagement in microfinance their entree to wellness installations has improved. 30 out of 50 clients cogitate that boilersuit wellness of their household members have improved. This tabular forces shows that bulk of the clients agree that after engageme nt in microfinance their entree to wellness installations have improved and besides overall wellness of their household members have improved. Therefore it proves the surmise that microfinance leads to better wellness of its clients.Table 2 Cross check of after microfinance has the school registration rate of your kids increased and your periodical disbursal on instruction increasedHave your periodic disbursal of instruction increased? correct3. engagement in microfinance has the school document rate of your kids increased?3.0014054.0051710325.0052613 spotless11231650Holmium Microfinance leads to increase in instruction and school registration of its client s kidsH1 Microfinance does nt take to increase in instruction and school registration of its client s kidsThis cross tabular matter shows that 32 out of 50 clients agree that after engagement in microfinance the school enrolment rate of their kids has increased. 23 out of 50 clients agree that monthly disbu rsal of instruction has increased. This tabular array shows that bulk of the clients agree that after engagement in microfinance the school enrolment rate of their kids has increased and their monthly disbursal on instruction has increased. Therefore it proves the hypothesis that microfinance leads to increase in instruction an 500 school registration of its clients kids.Table 3 Cross check of after microfinance there is addition in your personal income and is your income plenty for your household membersCountIs your income plenty for your household memberEntire2. engagement in microfinance has led to increase in your personal income3.0030364.007613265.00261018Entire15122350Holmium Microfinance leads to increase in personal income of its clientsH1 Microfinance does non take to increase in personal income of its clientsThe tabular array of cross tabular matter shows that 26 out of 50 clients agree that after engagement in microfinance their personal income has increa sed. 23 out of 50 clients agree that their income is adequate for their household members. This tabular array shows that bulk of the clients agree that after engagement in microfinance their personal income has increased and their income is adequate for their household members. This tabular array shows that 15 out of 50 clients still believe that their income is non plenty for their household members. bit 23 out of 50 believe that their income is adequate for their household members. Therefore the hypothesis holds true that microfinance leads to increase in personal income of its clients.Table 4 Cross check of microfinance leads to increase in ingestion of nutrient and your entree to clean take in H2O and hygienics environment has improvedCountDo you hold entree to clean imbibing H2O and hygiene environment?Entire2. you believe that microfinance leads to increase in overall ingestion of nutrient3.00003144.0007176305.00473216Entire41423950Holmium Microfinance im proves the criterion of life of its clientsH1 Microfinance does nt better the criterion of life of its clientsThe cross tabular matter tabular array shows that 30 out of 50 clients agree that microfinance has increased their overall ingestion of nutrient. 23 out of 50 clients agree that they have entree to clean imbibing H2O and hygiene environment. As the tabular array shows that 17 out of 50 clients agree that after engagement in microfinance their overall ingestion of nutrient has increased and they have entree to clean imbibing H2O and hygiene environment. Merely 4 out of 50 clients does nt hold entree to clean imbibing H2O. Therefore the hypothesis that microfinance improves the criterion of life of its clients keep true.Table 5 Cross check of microfinance leads to increase in outgo on house fix and your house is strong plenty to take any sort of catastropheCountIs your house strong plenty to with stand galvanic tempest or any other sort of natural catastrophe?Entire2.003.00 amour in microfinance leads to increase in outgo on house fix3.00140054.0071591325.00263213Entire102512350Holmium Microfinance leads to betterment in lodging of its clientsH1 Microfinance does nt take to betterment in lodging of its clientsThis tabular array of cross tabular matter shows that 32 out 50 clients agree that engagement in microfinance leads to increase in outgo on house fix. 25 out of 50 clients agree that their house is strong plenty to with stand electric storm or any other sort of natural catastrophe. 10 out of 50 clients said that their house is non strong plenty to with stand electrical storm or any other sort of natural catastrophe. 15 out of 50 clients are impersonal about that microfinance lead to increase in outgo on house fix and their house is strong plenty to defy electrical storm and any other sort of natural catastrophe. Looking at the bulk of clients the hypothesis clasp that microfinance leads to betterment in lodging of its clients.Bibliogr aphyPPAF ( 2004 ) PPAF Microcredit Financing Appraisal of Outcomes vigilant by GALLUP Pakistan for Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund.Hussein, Maliha and Shazreh Hussain ( 2003 ) The Impact of Microfinance on Poverty and Gender righteousness Approachs and Evidence from Pakisian Roneo for The Pakistan Microfinance Network.W.B, 2003. World Social state of affairs study. The World Bank GroupAmin, S. , Rai, A. S. , & A Topa, G. ( 2003 ) . Does microcredit make the hapless and vulnerable? Evidence from Northern Bangladesh. journal of Development Economics, 70 ( 1 ) , 59-82.